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NHP is bridging the gap between the funders and high performing NHOʻs that are doing transformative work for native Hawaiian communities. We are based in Maui and work with Native Hawaiian organizations on Maui, Hawaii island, and Oahu.

About Us

Native Hawaiian Philanthropy

Native Hawaiian Philanthropy CEO Kuʻuleinani Maunupau and Co-CEO Pualani Enos are working with Makalika Naholowaʻa, Executive Director of the Native Hawaiian Legal Corp and President of the National Native American Bar Association to establish Native Hawaiian Philanthropy. 

Board President Lohelani Furtado-Gaspar, Naholowaʻa and Maunupau attended the  "Power in Solidarity" Conference hosted by Native Americans in Philanthropy and Asian American and Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy.  They were able to connect with other native Hawaiian leaders and organizations interested in establishing a philanthropy model in Hawaii.  After returning home to Maui, discussions and research began into philanthropy and its impacts and connections with native Hawaiian communities and nonprofits.  Our team has been networking with Hawaiiʻs philanthropy sector and native Hawaiian community leaders to understand the current needs, programs, processes and approaches in supporting native Hawaiian communities.

After much due diligence, Native Hawaiian Philanthropy reports a lack of Hawaiian-led and culturally grounded foundations in Hawaii that provide long-term funding opportunities.  The team has been developing an innovative, forward-thinking approach to self-sufficiency and stability for native Hawaiian organizations and businesses.  Our methodology to native Hawaiian philanthropy will offer an on-going support system that assures fiscal accountability.   Planning for Seven Generations requires a unique indigenous approach to financial stability for nonprofits, Executive Directors and the staff serving our lāhui, our nation.

Our Team


Kuʻuleinani Maunupau

Native Hawaiian (She/Her)

Co - CEO 

Pualani Enos

Native Hawaiian (She/Her)


Lohelani Furtado-Gaspar

Native Hawaiian (She/Her)


Lily Donge

POC (She/Her)

Vice - President

Alexis Felicilda

Native Hawaiian (She/Her)


Monique Sonoquie

Chumash  (She/Her)

Sgt. at Arms

Max Pichay

Native Hawaiian (He/Him)

Program Development

Kuʻuleimakamae Shafee

Native Hawaiian  (She/Her)

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